Solar financing options Madurai
Solar Power Plants

A solar power plant is any type of facility that converts sunlight either directly, like Photovoltaics, or indirectly, like Solar Thermal plants, into electricity. They come in a variety of ‘flavors’ with each using discretely different techniques to harness the power of the sun.a low Generate your own power with the Agaram power solutionsolar power plants range of compact and efficient solar power maintenance ,silent and pollution-free alternative to diesel generators.This solar UPS / Solar inverter consists of solar panel,battery and invertor can give you power when it is most required.

Solar On-Grid System

On grid system (grid-tied) are mini power plants connected to the utility power grid,these systems are less expensive and battery banks are not required in this set up.They have less maintenance and are most efficient. These systems are dynamic as the entire production is consumed either at the users , end or send back to the grid.Net metering will also help users to get faster rate of return on their investment.

Solar lease Madurai
Solar loan Madurai
Solar off-Grid System

Off-grid systems are best suited for homes and small offices. They use battery banks, which are charged by the solar energy produced by the panels. Optimum capacity for, off grid solutions that we recommend is 1KW as 10KW. This helps decrease or nullity uses, dependence on the grid.